Outage Information
2023-07-25 06:15:03.262000
Automatic Outage: Radials older than 12 hours. Operator should investigate.
Automated Bot

2023-08-01 20:19:19.916000
Jul 26 email from Todd: Workers on site cut the antenna cables in half. We are planning to have a trench dug and lay the cable in conduit to prevent this from happening again. Working on an ETA of completion.
Teresa Updyke

2023-08-01 20:19:34.901000
Status switched to 'In Progress'
Teresa Updyke

2024-06-19 21:15:11.295000
Outage cleared automatically. Radial files have caught up since initial reporting
Automated Bot

2024-07-18 13:31:10.523000
From Aug 2023 - Jan 2024 six month progress report: Cables for MNTK were accidentally cut during a fence installation. Either as a result of this or just normal failure the transmitter subsequently failed and was sent back to CODAR.
Teresa Updyke

2024-07-18 13:31:20.140000
Status switched to 'Closed'
Teresa Updyke