Outage Information
2023-01-03 16:15:02.847000
Automatic Outage: Radials older than 12 hours. Operator should investigate.
Automated Bot

2023-01-04 18:07:52.731000
Email from Todd Fake (Jan 3) -Verizon discontinued service to STLI, GCAP, and MNTK yesterday. I was told these lines wouldn’t be impacted but that was not the case. Working on a resolution.
Teresa Updyke

2023-01-04 18:08:07.879000
Status switched to 'In Progress'
Teresa Updyke

2023-04-27 18:15:03.437000
Outage cleared automatically. Radial files have caught up since initial reporting
Automated Bot

2023-08-03 20:52:21.628000
Offline due to Verizon 3G phase out. We were informed the modems would not be impacted but service was cancelled. New modems and service needed to be purchased and setup then configured and installed.
Teresa Updyke