Automatic Outage: Radials older than 12 hours. Operator should investigate.
Outage cleared automatically. Radial files have caught up since initial reporting
Radial outage, restarted computer remotely, logged on and found a backlog of CSS that had not been processed AnalyzeSpectra ran slowly and then would freeze up, restarted computer again and it didn’t help. Added command to crontab to get rid of Archivalist failure messages citing open/busy files (/usr/bin/xattr -dr /Codar/SeaSonde/Data/RadialResponses/IdealPattern >/dev/null). Stopped all programs and tried running AnalyzeSpectra by itself. Still had a problem - however when I clicked on the Terminal window, it started to run. I had to have the window selected for the processing to catch up. Then restarted Sentinel to resume data collection.
Status switched to 'Closed'