Automatic Outage: Radials older than 12 hours. Operator should investigate.
2020-09-28 16:12 UTC Replaced transmit front panel board. Arena
Status switched to 'In Progress'
transmitter sent to CODAR for repair, amplifier is not working
The antenna was in danger of falling down the cliff due to erosion and park service employees took it down. It will be hard to relocate the antenna at this site (not much space available in the vicinity) and the base will have to be replaced because park service could not remove the base from the concrete pad.
Transmit antenna was misplaced/lost. A replacement transmit seems ok now but no signal is being received. Rich plans to lower the receive antenna for troubleshooting and is waiting on assistance for this task.
Outage cleared automatically. Radial files have caught up since initial reporting
Outage cleared automatically. Radial files have caught up since initial reporting